Personalised & Comprehensive Digital Marketing Services

Two women talking, engaging in a business meeting. A laptop is in front of them, with both looking at it. The one on the left (white jumper) is controlling the laptop cursor, and the other (black/dark grey jumper) is holding onto notes or a portfolio.

At Lexi’s Critiques, we offer customisable and extensive digital marketing packages that highlight specific components and needs when it comes to the ever-changing field of digital marketing, as well as packages specifically created for creatives and small-medium businesses. All packages have been created with a particular focus in mind, and aim to provide services that are both high-quality and accessible. We provide the following packages:

Rates and availabilities apply, with some room for negotiation. For more information on rates and particulars on the digital marketing packages on offer, get in touch!

© Lexi's Critiques 2020 - 2023